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Theoretical Framework for Back-Translation Thu, 09 Jan 2020 14:21:00 +0000 Back-translation is a validation tool widely used in international research settings, including, but not limited to, cross-cultural psychology, international marketing, educational assessments, quality of life research, and international nursing research. As a rule, researchers use back-translation to validate the quality of translated research instruments, such as tests and questionnaires

The method consists in re-translating the translated text back into the source language. The back-translation and the original document are compared for inconsistencies, and if none are found, the translation is considered equivalent.

Thomas Hunter, translation specialist,

The method has many adherents and opponents; however, neither uses solid linguistic evidence in their arguments. This study is an attempt to suggest a theoretical linguistic framework for describing and evaluating the back-translation process, namely the cognitive linguistics approach, with the main focus on Langacker‟s Cognitive Grammar. The study is illustrated with examples from actual questionnaires translated from English into Ukrainian

Cross-cultural social research is understood here as a generic term that covers such diverse fields as anthropology, cross-cultural psychology, international marketing research, quality of life research, etc. All these areas use specific research instruments, usually in the form of questionnaires, that are used basically as measurement tools.

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The Quality of Legal Dictionaries: An Assessment Mon, 06 Jan 2020 10:33:25 +0000 In this article, the quality of the different bilingual legal dictionaries between the languages of the Member States of the European Union will be assessed. In order to do so, some general remarks will be made first about problems with translating legal terminology. Based on those remarks, criteria for reliable bilingual dictionaries will be formulated in the next section. Finally, these criteria will be applied on the available bilingual dictionaries containing the legal language used by one or more EU Member States. To illustrate this, we have attached an updated bibliography encompassing about 200 recently published bilingual and multilingual legal dictionaries in the European Union.

The bibliography in the Annex will be the evidence for our final conclusion that most legal dictionaries must be classified as a word list, which implies here that they are of dubious quality. To date, few legal dictionaries have attempted to meet our criteria. Dictionaries that are based on comparative legal research, on the other hand, offer advantages that render them useful to professional translators.

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Brand translation – mistakes in localizing advertisement campaigns Sun, 05 Jan 2020 14:31:00 +0000 Achieving success with an enticing slogan in your mother tongue can be a great premise for a market extension overseas. Enhanced sales converted into increased financial revenues is what the contemporary businesses are aspiring to. 

In Spain customers visit Zara stores 17 times per year on average compared to 3 times per year for competitors. Because their clothing designs change often, it is harder for people to see them clearly on the Internet and thus they are encouraged to come into the stores instead and try on the unique fashions that Zara offers.

Suzy Hanzel, production technician associate, Zara Clothing Company

Agents for the company are always scouting out new fashion trends at clubs and social gatherings. When they see inspiring examples they quickly send design sketches to the garment designers at the Cube. New items can be designed and out to the stores in 4 – 6 weeks, and existing items can be modified in 2 weeks. Clothing items are priced based on market demand, not on cost of manufacture. The short lead times for delivery of unique fashion items combined with short production runs enable Zara to offer customers more styles and choices, and yet still create a sense of urgency to buy because items often sell out quickly. 

The company’s core market is women 24 – 35 years old. They reach this market by locating their stores in town centers and places with high concentrations of women in this age range. Short production runs create scarcity of given designs and that generates a sense of urgency and reason to buy while supplies last. As a consequence, Zara does not have lots of excess inventory, nor does it need to do big mark-downs on its clothing items. Zara has 12 inventory turns per year compared to 3 – 4 per year for competitors. Stores place orders twice a week and this drives factory scheduling.

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Video captioning – tips to follow when subtitling Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:32:28 +0000 So many films and videos are produced daily with a vast majority available on the screen now. Dubbed versions are amazing, but what about enjoying the originality and grasping the meaning at the same time?

The digital age is right here; everything is revolutionized. Not only has it changed and/or reshaped how the entire enterprise communities communicate and conduct businesses but specifically how the supply chains are operated and managed.

Thomas Friedman, superviser, Crunchy Candy Company

When you read this case study you will see the supply chains of Just Born Candy and Crunchy Candy Company. You will see the location of their factories and their distribution centers. Also shown are customers’ stores where they make deliveries. Each company does not sell to all of the same customers as the other, but there is a significant amount of overlap in the customers of the two companies. You can see the overlap in the supply chains of these two companies when you map them out as shown in the screenshot above. At the start of the case study both companies operate their own supply chains.

Customers would like to see fewer deliveries of candies in larger quantities like what they get from the bigger candy companies (M&M Mars and Hershey’s). They are also asking for lower prices. Both of these customer requests point toward combining supply chains. That way both smaller candy companies can make fewer and larger deliveries of their combined products. And if they can reduce their supply chain costs, they can also lower prices to their customers. In this case study each company makes and delivers two kinds of candy to customers. These products are shown as JBCandy1, JBCandy2, Crunchy1 and Crunchy2 . There is a spreadsheet reporting template you can use to analyze downloaded simulation data. Import your simulation data into the template and create monthly profit & loss reports as well as generate key performance indicators. 

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Language and Culture in Translation Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:29:05 +0000 The title of this collection of papers sponsored by the International Federation of Translators outlines a direction of research which is of great theoretical and practical interest. Language and culture are obviously the two dominant factors which make translation an indispensable and most complicated kind of intellectual activity. Our world is a babel of languages and interlingual communication, that is communication between people speaking different languages, is impossible unless the linguistic barrier is overcome in some way.

Thus language, or rather difference in languages, is the raison d’être of translation. We translate from one language into another to make interlingual communication possible. The idea of linguistic transfer is implicit in the very name of the phenomenon and a definition of the translating process usually makes some reference to language or languages.

The cultural factor in translation is also undeniable if not so obvious. No communication is possible unless the message transmitted through speech utterances (or texts) is well understood by the communicants. But this understanding can be achieved only if the information contained in language units is supplemented by background knowledge of facts referred to in the message. People belonging to the same linguistic community are members of a certain type of culture.

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Creating Translation-Oriented Documents Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:25:42 +0000 Here are some tips for preparing source documents optimally for translation even during their initial creation. A well-prepared and cleanly-formatted source document can save a lot of time and money during translation with a translation memory system (TM system) since the recognition capabilities of the TM system only make sense if the segments to be translated are actually identical or similar.

To improve the layout and the readability of the text, the author inserts a manual page break at a specific location. However, during translation texts usually grow or shrink in length depending on the language combination.

Kristina Stone, Translating Specialist

Whenever possible, avoid using PDF files as the source document format for translation. Always try to provide the original file format that served as the basis for the creation of the PDF files since PDF files cannot currently be edited in Across; instead, they have to be transformed into another format (usually Word) before translation. The transformed documents must generally be edited again before translation since the converted text usually contains too many formatting errors to be able to translate it sensibly with a TM system. This editing is always associated with additional time and costs and delays the start of the translation.

Very often manual page breaks are inserted for formatting purposes, e.g. because a headline falls at the bottom of a page. To improve the layout and the readability of the text, the author inserts a manual page break at a specific location. However, during translation texts usually grow or shrink in length depending on the language combination, so it is very unlikely that the manual page breaks from the source text should be placed in the same location as in the target text. Usually the manual page breaks are not “translated” but are skipped during translation and they are inserted into the final version of the text after the translation is finished and the text is converted back into its original document format.

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Multilingual SEO tips to follow Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:24:41 +0000 A good SEO strategy can ignite your exposure on Google by honouring a top position amongst searching results. Even though grasping basic principles definitely helps you enjoy countless benefits, there are certain aspects you need to tackle when your expectations extend to an international level.

If you want to use hyphenation in your text, make sure that you either use the “automatic hyphenation” function or insert an optional hyphen manually.

Lora Carson, join CEO, Translating Company

Standard hyphens are recognized as normal characters and add an additional character to the word in which they are placed. On the one hand this means that the translation unit stored in the translation memory will not be a 100% match even if exactly the same sentence appears again without hyphenation. On the other hand, terminology recognition for this specific term will not work since the term is separated by an incorrect character.

The distributor’s parent company uses transportation-as-a-cost-of-sales as a metric to compare business units, so managing costs is critical. ClearChain technology allows customers to centralize their data, giving them the ability to see and understand their total transportation spend. The technology has also helped optimize the network and streamline deliveries, driving overall cost savings. Moreover, the distributor saw added value in efficient, professional drivers that arrived at its customers’ sites on time. As part of its communication, team members from Logistics and the distributor meet regularly to discuss metrics, data analysis, priorities and plans. The increased visibility enables data-driven decision making, and regular meetings give both parties clear direction for the future.

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Is Emoji Becoming a Language? Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:23:46 +0000 Virtual communication has put in front of us new possibilities of interaction. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and a network of other apps calls for improved and more dynamic means of expression by regularly releasing fresh emoji, ready to serve to the distribution of less ambiguous messages. 

The simple rule in traditional supply chains was to store “maximum possible quantity of every product, everywhere, every time”. This rule had to be followed because of lack of information flow and planning mechanisms in the supply chain.

Bill Carston, warehouse selector, Deliver Group Company

Supply chains have evolved and are much different from what they used to be say 2-3 decades back. Modern supply chains equipped with better information & intelligence are able to predict product demand well in advance, plan accordingly and deliver the items close to when they are needed.

You now know the stark difference between a warehouse and a distribution center and how the evolution happened over time. Does this mean that warehouses no longer exist or they don’t serve any purpose? You will be mistaken if you believe that. Warehouses still exist and serve a purpose. A good example would be how inventory is pre-built months in advance to meet the high seasonal demand and is stored in typical warehouses before being sent to a distribution center for customer service. However, the importance of warehouses in supply chain has gone down and the distribution centers have now emerged as the nerve centers of the modern supply chains.

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What Translators Usually Do with Words Wed, 09 Oct 2019 14:23:00 +0000 What path do the components in your food and beverage products travel before ending up on the store shelf? Do you know exactly where every pallet of tomatoes, every sack of flour, and every can of beer or soda came from and where it is now? Could you trace the exact path of a product in the event of a recall?

A proprietary system helps design the most efficient routes with a route algorithm. Dedicated staff constantly redesign this QSR’s routes for absolute optimization. Imagine if each shipping line or container operator followed their own specifications without adhering to the ISO Standards set for the industry. A unified shipping approach would have been impossible.

Joe Carlier, senior vice president of Global Sales

The changing supply chain and higher customer expectations will require that you know every detail about where your inventory has been, is going, and when and how it will arrive. With it, you’ll have a more comprehensive understanding for better decision-making around order fulfillment and operations management, as well as transparency throughout the recall process.

Corporate business people team and manager in a meeting

Many of today’s best-known food and beverage brands trust HighJump for supply chain management and visibility because we offer unparalleled advanced inventory management capabilities and real-time visibility to critical information. From the supplier to the store shelf and all locations in-between, this level of material and inventory control allows our customers to focus energies on expanding their businesses and building new effiencies into their processes.

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